Santosha means contentment. It is one of the Niyamas from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, an important root text of yoga, written approximately 2000 years ago.
Contentment is a state of tranquility, serenity, inner peace, and non-aggravation. In that state, nothing upsets you. You’re okay with what is. You’re at peace within yourself and with all that’s happening in life.
Contentment is linked to happiness because there can be no happiness without a feeling of inner peace and contentment.
Then why is Santosha so difficult to experience?
Usually, it’s because we overthink it. Overthinking is a result of using the mind to figure everything out, to find the answers to everything. If we can just know everything, we’ll be safe. But Tantra tells us that we can only know about 25% of anything. 75% is concealed from us. If this is true, then why bother trying to figure everything out? We waste a lot of time and energy just thinking and worrying about stuff we can’t solve.

The heart already knows contentment. The heart doesn’t have to try to experience it. It doesn’t need a reason. It doesn’t need to figure things out in order to have inner peace. The heart thrives on simply being, experiencing, and dwelling in the here and now. The heart is beingness itself. We quiet the mind so that we can hear the faint whisper of wisdom in the heart.
I recently took time to focus on my experiences of contentment over just a few days. It was amazing!
First, on July 4th, I attended the James Taylor Concert at Tanglewood in Lenox. I’ve seen JT every summer for the last 15-20 years. It’s a ritual for me and something I love to do. This year, I had the perfect day, perfect weather, perfect company, perfect concert, and perfect fireworks afterwards. I was so relaxed. Everything flowed. Being surrounded by beautiful music and beautiful people, all just hanging out in love with life and in the peaceful environment James Taylor always draws around him. I was content. Fulfilled.

Yet contentment can be seriously challenged.
The next day, I discovered a rotten egg smell in my basement. I figured it was the septic tank. So, I ran water into the drains that seal the odor back down into the pipes where it’s supposed to be. After a few minutes of running the water, I noticed that the back basement and bathroom were flooded with about 2 inches of water. Uh oh! Something’s not working.
I called the septic company, and they gave me a few phone numbers for plumbers and excavation companies who work on septic pumps. Most were unavailable, but after some waiting, an excavator called me back and said he could come out in the afternoon to take a look. I was so grateful. He arrived and knew exactly what to do and fixed the problem in a little over an hour.
While there, I asked him about another water issue I have in the front yard. My well overflows with an abundance of water from early Spring to late Summer. The water drains down into the driveway creating a huge pothole. I’ve been wanting to resurface my driveway but with the overflowing well, I’ve been hesitant. In addition, the last time I had my driveway resurfaced, they mistakenly built up the driveway such that when it rains, the water flows into my garage and down into the drain inside the garage. This has been such a nuisance.
The excavation guy said that they also re-do driveways. He pulled out a device that measures the level of the driveway and showed me how the driveway pitch is backwards. The driveway should be pitched away from the garage.
To make a long story short, the excavator said he could install a drainage pipe near the well so that the water would be diverted under the driveway into the field beyond and then he could resurface my driveway with the proper pitches. I was elated! I was content! And then, when he told me what I owed him for the septic pump fix, I was really impressed with myself. Although the fix cost an arm and a leg, I never lost my contentment!
Two other instances of contentment happened within those same few days. I took an epic bike ride where I rode at my fastest average speed ever. And I did a really great open water swim with the team followed by a potluck dinner which was not only yummy, but being with friends fulfilled my longing to belong!

These experiences were nothing special, just ordinary life events. However, I was conscious of my level of contentment throughout each event and the more I paid attention to my “contentment meter,” the more I was able to choose to be content.
What I’m saying is that Santosha is a choice. It doesn’t come naturally. You have to intend it and create it. Life seems to always knock us off balance to test our ability to maintain our contentment.
Santosha is the inner alchemy of happiness. When you can stay centered in contentment, when you’re at peace in your heart, happiness is the result.
But as soon as you begin to think about it, grasp for it, get attached to it, or overthink it, contentment disappears. You have to choose to be content, and then allow it to happen.

Do you know what helps us build and sustain Santosha? Regular, consistent, deep sadhana (yoga and meditation) combined with Tantric inspiration and loving community. The daily regular practice centers us in our heart and keeps us connected to contentment, which is our true nature. Sadhana opens the door to contentment and provides the right environment where we let go of the thinking mind and trust in something bigger. We return to the abode of our heart where we recognize our true nature which is joy!
May you have a beautiful summer day filled with contentment! Wondering how to develop more contentment in your life? I lovingly invite you to join the Ashaya Yoga Membership today!
p.s. Here’s a list of positive affirmations for Santosha: Contentment and Inner Peace.
All is well in my world.
I know deep inner peace.
Eternal peace flows in and through me.
I am calm, patient, and peaceful.
I radiate contentment, peace, and serenity.
I am safe and supported, rooted in this present moment.
In this moment, I have everything I need.
I am whole and complete just as I am.
I am lovable.
I embrace my ability to remain calm in all situations.
I choose to be patient with myself and others.
I choose peace over worry.
I chose faith over fear, and peace over perfection.
I feel peaceful, grounded, and secure in who I am.
I hold space for myself and honor my needs.
My heart is grateful, and my mind is at peace.
I inhale peace. I exhale worry. I inhale contentment. I exhale anxiety.
I am at peace with my past.
I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.
I feel relaxed. I feel whole. This is exactly where I’m meant to be.
I give myself the gift of unconditional love, compassion, and contentment.
Deep inner peace is my natural state.
My inner world is filled with peace and serenity.
Even when the world around me feels chaotic, I remain rooted and grounded in contentment.
When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I allow myself space to pause and breathe.
I trust that everything is working out for my highest good.
Everything in life is for my awakening.
There is beauty to be found in slowing down.
I release the need to control my life and surrender to this present moment.
I bravely let go and allow the universe to reveal its beautiful plan for me, with me.
I release my incessant need to resolve the unresolvable.
I trust that the universe gives me exactly what I need at exactly the right time.
I have faith that everything works out for my highest good.
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