This is my new mantra. Try less. Be more.
Over the last six months I’ve seen a remarkable improvement in my life. It’s showing up on multiple levels. My physical health and endurance have really increased. I swam the fastest and farthest I’ve ever swum before in my entire life (5K). I’ve biked faster over a longer distance through the hills of the Berkshires than any other year previously. I’ve been able to maintain a clear head with exquisite mental clarity and compassion. And overall, I think I’m happier throughout my day more than ever before.
Why? How is this possible?
I’m not doing anything differently really, except that I’ve been practicing the mantra: Try Less. Be More. I’m also actively letting go of my attachments.
Recently, an issue arose with a friend and our relationship became strained. When this happens to me, I'm usually the first to reach out. I did that with this person, but I didn't hear anything back from them. In the past, I would have kept trying to get them to respond. Because I process my emotions quickly, I move through challenges with greater ease, and am able to let go, forgive, and move on. There’s a secret little part of me that expects others to do the same. But when they don’t, it’s a setup for disappointment.

Especially with friendships that are close, when disagreements arise or little challenges surface, I’m able to see the depth of friendship we share and try to repair it so we come back into harmony. But on this occasion, when I didn’t hear back, I just let it go. Instead of the old story I used to tell myself, “There must be something wrong with me that they didn’t get back to me,” the new story I tell myself is this: “I did my part in reaching out to try and repair the friendship. I’m not sure why they didn’t respond. Maybe they’re too afraid or wounded to talk about it. Whatever the reason, I surround them in light and let go.”
I understand how triggered we can get sometimes in relationship, and that this triggering can bring up more pain than we’re willing to deal with. I respect that. I also can’t expect others to feel the way I feel or to want to repair a relationship the way I do. I just send them a prayer and let go. It’s not up to me to get them to face their fears or want to repair their relationship with me. I trust that they will find peace in their own way.
I choose to be vulnerable and open. This is my practice.
In addition to practicing my new mantra, I might be experiencing increased endurance athletically through sheer repetition. I made a commitment this summer to get out on my bike and swim as much as I can. My life has become very focused on doing the things that bring me joy. And it seems that it has all paid off with better health, a better outlook, and a better life. In addition, my yoga practice has deepened, and I have to admit, I really love teaching morning sadhana. There’s something powerful about the mantra chanting, the music behind it, the breathing exercises, and mantra meditation. It has filled my heart and mind with the power of radical affirmation!

Another practice I’ve been doing is letting myself feel and receive the love that’s all around me. I’m aware of a deep unconditional love coming from the universe and from the intentions of my friends and family. It has really been filling me up lately.
The radical source of all this love ultimately is coming from within my own heart.
I’ve become aware that I’m no longer resisting myself or resisting my life situation. I’m flowing with it. I’ve surrendered to the current of grace. In trying less and being more, I’ve let go of controlling certain aspects of my life. I’m allowing the flow to carry me now.
To all who read this, I’m grateful for your love and support. I often get emails from students filled with blessings of gratitude for the wisdom that is upsurging within them. With consistent group practice over a long period of time, your life WILL improve. That’s why I want to encourage anyone who’s not already a member, to practice with me in the online Ashaya Membership. It’s so easy to do. Just roll out of bed, turn on your device, and there I am. I hope to see you on the mat!
May you try less and be more!
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